Dog Rimadyl Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects

Dog Rimadyl: Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects

Finding the right medication to treat pain and inflammations in canine can be challenging, especially when faced with an emergency. Over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen and other NSAIDs could be detrimental to an animal’s health. So it is always best to seek medical advice before using any medication.

Osteoarthritis is one condition that affects aging dogs, and it usually comes with symptoms of joint pain and difficulty moving. Rimadyl could offer relief to ailing dogs suffering from bone conditions as a result of aging. There are other ways, Rimadyl could help a sick canine, but before I get into the details, let me first share some exciting facts about the medication.

What is Rimadyl 

Rimadyl is a famous brand name of the drug carprofen. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that helps deal with conditions of pain and inflammation. Compared to other pain killers such as ibuprofen and aspirin, Rimadyl is safe to use in dogs. It was the first medication approved by the FDA for the treatment of canine conditions related to pain.

Compared to steroids, carprofen is safe to use for long term treatments. In such situations, it is expected that you follow the prescribed dosage to avoid abuse. You can find tablets and capsules available in 25mg to 100mg, depending on the strength.

History of Rimadyl 

Created in 1985, the drug was initially used in human treatment until experiments were carried out on canines and found to be more effective in dogs than humans. By the 90s, it was marketed as a drug for dog remedy, and a lot of pet owners sought it out for treating both puppies and adult pooches.

As expected, they were severe reactions to the medication’s side effects, and a lot of pet owners had to discontinue use. At the time, the drug marketers placed no warnings about its consumption; this made pet owners call for legal action against the manufacturers. While the drug was still available for sale, there were no more ads and promotions of the medication by the marketers.

Uses of Rimadyl 

When it comes to treating pet conditions that come with a great deal of pain and inflammation, not many drugs are safe to use regularly. With Rimadyl, you can use for treatment over an extended time without any risk. Some of the ailments where it is safe to use the medication include:


The drug Rimadyl is commonly used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, a condition characterized by extreme joint pain. In dogs, it can be quite uncomfortable for bones to be rubbing against each other. A deficiency in certain minerals, and chronic inflammation as a result of aging are usually the primary cause. You can check here to learn more about how to manage osteoarthritis in dogs.

With osteoarthritis, some of the symptoms include lameness or limping, reduced activities, stiffness around the joints, and a feeling of depression in pets. A quick diagnosis could help ailing animals manage the condition and get the treatment they need.

Hip Dysplasia

It is a genetic disorder characterized by a hip problem that could occur in animals and humans. In dogs, the condition is inborn and may not be noticeable until later in life—the problem causes joints to grow irregularly. Environmental factors such as poor nutrition or an injury could also worsen the ailment for your canine.

Post-Surgery Treatment

The drug Rimadyl is also potent in treating pains associated with a surgical operation. It is common for vets to prescribe NSAIDs for managing wounds related to surgeries. In this situation, the medication is only used temporarily compared to when treating aging pets. Your vet will likely advise you to discontinue use once your dog has recovered from the surgery.

Side Effects of Rimadyl in Dogs

Side Effects of Rimadyl in Dogs

It is common for pets to suffer side effects with prolonged use of NSAIDs. While the best way to avoid complications will be to follow medical guidance with the use of pain meds, it is common for your dog to suffer from any of the following side effects with its use.


It is common to suffer from a watery, runny stool at the onset of treatment. Also, dogs could experience constipation, which may make it difficult for them to poop. In such situations, it is best to keep a close eye on your pet for further complications.


There could also be irritation of the GI tract causing your dog to throw up uncontrollably. While it is common for animals to occasionally throw up when they swallow things if you notice a frequency in vomiting after administering medication, you should speak with your vet.

Mouth Sores

Since the drug is consumed orally, it is common to suffer from mouth sores due to reactions to the medication. If you notice such at the onset of treatment, you may want to wait a few days to see if the sores subside; if not, you may have to look for alternative medicine.


Fatigue and weakness are also common with the use of certain medications. Lower energy levels as a result of Rimadyl can be solved using an energy boost to promote activity and restore body function. You can check this website for how to use CBD to improve mood and excitement in dogs.

Rimadyl Dosage

Certain factors will determine how much of the drug to use. Most times, the product comes with a description of how to use, but when that is not the case, you can always check with your vet.

The weight and age of your pooch are some of the essential factors to consider when administering capsules or tablets to your pet.

Alternative to Rimadyl

There are other alternative medications for use in treating pain and inflammation in dogs. One such is the use of alternative medicine such as CBD oil to help animals deal better with specific ailments. Using a topical application around joints could provide soothing relief from arthritis and improve sleep and eating.

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