Sometimes life can feel pretty rough. Maybe you’re going through an extra tough time or dealing with a big change. Maybe there are some people at school, work, or even in your family who get you down. These are unfortunate elements of life that can be hard to deal with. And sadly, depression and anxiety can be the results of these circumstances.
The important thing to do is to get help for your mental health. The reasoning behind your depression or anxiety is valid. And, sometimes those feelings can be hard to deal with on your own. You might have some good friends or family members to talk to, but the harsh truth is that not everyone gives good advice. Additionally, sometimes you need more assistance than just talking can bring.
Try not to let others discourage you from seeking self-peace and stability. If you’re thinking about starting mental health treatment, including taking antidepressants, there are a few things you should know. It’s not the easiest journey ahead of you, but it’s one that’s worth it. Here are some things you should know before getting on antidepressants.
1. It’s More Accessible Than You Might Think
It’s understandable that not everyone likes going to the doctor. You have to take time off work, sit in a waiting room full of sick people, and it takes a while. These are some of the common complaints about doctors that discourage people from visiting. However, you don’t have to go through all that to gain access to medicine.
Did you know there are online providers for mental health treatment? You can do your check-ins online or over the phone and get your prescriptions delivered. Some online services can even put you in touch with potential therapists to speak to as well. Getting access to treatment has never been easier, so take advantage of it!
2. Medicine Can’t Fix You on Its Own
Antidepressants are extremely helpful if you have a chemical imbalance or just need that extra boost of happiness. Sometimes your mental health weighs too heavily, and you might need the assistance medicine can provide. However, popping a pill won’t make all your problems disappear.
In addition to taking antidepressants, it’s important to seek additional treatment. Speaking to a licensed therapist is a great idea if you’re feeling any form of anxiety or depression. They are there to help you and make sure you can be the best version of yourself. Sometimes it’s hard to hold yourself accountable for your actions, or sometimes you can’t see your mistakes as clearly as an outsider. This is where a trained professional can do wonders for your personal growth.
Every antidepressants provider requires check-ins to make sure the drugs are working for you. However, they don’t necessarily go into the same detail about your mental health as a therapist would. They can’t help you strategize how to go about your problems. That’s why therapists are essential to conquering your mental health journey.
3. It Might Take a While to Find What Works
If you’ve ever taken any type of prescription drug before, you’ll know that sometimes there are negative side effects. This is an unfortunate aspect of most medicines out there, and it can’t be avoided. That’s because every person’s body is different, meaning some can handle certain chemicals that others can’t. Because of this, it can take some time to work out the kinks and find what medicine fits you best.
Some of the common negative side effects of antidepressants include dizziness, weight loss or gain, and insomnia. These are only a few, but that doesn’t mean you’ll experience all of them. Or that you’ll experience any of them for that matter. Sometimes your body accepts the medication with practically no problem. Other times, the first few weeks might produce side effects that eventually go away.
It usually takes a month or two to really determine if a drug is working effectively or not. However, don’t let this discourage you. It’s like shopping for new clothes — you have to try on different sizes or styles to find what fits. That goes for the inside of your body, too. Everyone’s organs work and react differently to new stimuli. So, just keep looking for the right one.
4. Adjusting Might Feel Disorienting
Even if you’ve finally found the right antidepressant for you, the period of adjustment will take some time. This type of drug chemically alters your brain. Think of it as a battle between the sad and happy thoughts. The antidepressant is fighting for more happiness, while your old way of thinking is trying to hold on. Ultimately, if the medicine works for you, the antidepressant will win this battle.
This process might take a few weeks until you feel fully clear in the head. You will probably have moments of confusion or disorientation, as your mind struggles between two ways of interpreting data. You might also have some trouble remembering things. However, don’t let this aspect discourage you. The end result will be worth the temporary scatter-brain.
5. Let the New You Take Over
This might sound a bit creepy, but mental health treatment is like reprogramming your mind. Especially when using antidepressants, your brain is being told to shift its reality. You are shown new ways to think about life, but these are for the better. Simply put, you’ll come out kind of a different person.
You’ll be someone who’s more confident and sure of themselves. That means you need to let go of the old, toxic ways of thinking and let the new, positive ways take over. Holding on to depression or anxiety is only going to stunt your growth. Change can be hard, especially when it’s inside your own brain. However, some change is good, and may even be necessary. Don’t let your worries hold you back. Be the fabulous person that you were meant to be!
Remember That Healing Is a Process
Whatever healthy form of coping you use to treat your depression or anxiety, know that it’s not always easy. The bad thoughts aren’t going to be silenced after taking one antidepressant pill. You won’t be ‘cured’ after one therapy visit. The truth is that there’s really no cure-all for mental health conditions.
Don’t let that daunt you, though. You’re in control, not someone else. Give yourself some grace. You can do it, and don’t give up. Someone out there is always rooting for you, and you should be rooting for yourself too.