Learning a foreign language is a great thing
The world today has become a global village. People on different geographical locations have become connected to each other more than ever before with the advent of communication technology and the internet. People are also traveling to foreign lands more than ever before due to the ease of travel in modern times. Speaking a foreign language, however, can be quiet challenging. Below are various tips on how to boost your foreign language speaking skills through writing:
Choose The Topics You’re Passionate About
Even though you’re supposed to write constantly, you ought to do it in a manner that makes you enjoy the whole process. If you just focus on academic writing, you won’t get inspiration to say those things when you’re talking to another person.
You’ll gain a lot from the writing process when you put all your energy into it. Choose topics that you’re passionate about. It can be literature or even your daily events.
You have the freedom to write about anything you want. However, you have to be serious about it. Focus on the proper syntax. Utilize the right words in the right places. Ensure the grammar is correct. It’s the kind of proficiency you want to portray through your language speaking skills.
Concentrate On Quantity
The more you write, the more your vocabulary improves
When trying to learn a foreign language, the phrase ‘more is more’ is more applicable than ‘less is more.’ You have to write every day. Get a notebook and start writing. The main idea is for writing to become an everyday routine.
Dedicate at least thirty minutes to writing each day. Don’t forget the weekends too. After some time, you’ll show signs of improvement. Your vocabulary will improve, and you’ll master that language’s syntax structure. Over time, those writing skills will be transferred to the language speaking skills.
Utilize Grammar and Spell Checkers to Proofread Your Writing
You can make use of grammar and spell checkers while writing the first draft for editing purposes. With this, you’ll be getting instant feedback on your writing so that the mistakes won’t stick in your mind.
There are various online tools that you can use for proofreading your work, for instance, Grammarly, Reverso, and LanguageTool.
Read It
You’ll be practicing word pronunciation as you read your written work
When you go through a piece of writing in the language that you’re learning, you get to learn new words and see how they are being utilized in a sentence. Reading is crucial. Therefore, you should choose several of your most favorite newspapers, articles or essays written in the language that you’re learning.
Additionally, reading your written text out loud also works wonders. You’ll be practicing pronunciation, thus improving your language speaking skills. When you go through your writing, it will be easier to notice the mistakes. If something doesn’t sound right, then there’s likely to be a grammatical or syntax issue.
You can try to read like this:
- Utilize your ordinary voice first – At first, you’ll be slow at this since you’re new to the language. You should not give up. Read slowly and carefully. If you come across a word that you can’t pronounce, ask someone who knows the language to help you.
- Read it once more – Utilize slightly exaggerated movements with your lips and utter the words with a higher pitch. It will sound funny at first, but you’ll see the difference. When exaggerating the speech, you’re learning how to pronounce words the right way.
Get Rid Of The Clutter
When learning a new language, you want to utilize more words. You want to show how you’ve mastered it. However, you’re not just trying to write pretty words. When writing in a foreign language, the main idea is to make sense.
Make sure that whatever you write is clear and don’t forget to edit. Try as much as possible to reduce the clutter. While editing your work, you’ll be able to notice your mistakes.
Speaking a foreign language usually involves unnecessary words and sounds. When you make a point of eliminating the clutter in what you write, you’ll be teaching yourself how to speak the language in a clear manner and thus enhance your speaking skills.
If you’re currently learning a foreign language, the tips mentioned above will greatly assist you to improve your speaking skills through writing. On the other hand, if you need any assistance with descriptive essay topics, go to the various online sources available.
Author Bio: Sophia Clark graduated from the University in the City of New York with B.A. in Journalism, 2011. She is a creative writer who loves to share her thoughts with readers, now she writes for Eliteessaywriters. In her free time, she enjoys writing fiction as well as reading it. Connect with her on Twitter and Google +.