bipolar disorder test

How To Know If You Need A Bipolar Disorder Test

Presented by BetterHelp.

Mood swings are a common aspect of being human. These fluctuations in mood can be caused by everything from low blood sugar to sleep deprivation to stress, hormones, pregnancy, and more. However, for some people, mood swings are a regular part of their lives, due to a condition called bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder tends to run in families, meaning that it’s likely caused by genetics, along with a combination of other factors. If you’re wondering whether you have bipolar disorder, you may be interested in taking a test to learn more about your symptoms and the diagnostic process. Here, we’ll examine the benefits of taking a bipolar disorder test and how you can decide if you need to take one.

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health disorder that causes alternating periods of depression and mania. These mood swings can significantly affect one’s life, leading to poor performance at work and school, difficulty maintaining relationships, and a lower quality of life. Bipolar disorder often needs professional treatment, which usually involves a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.

Types Of Bipolar Disorder

There are three different types of bipolar disorder, which are described in more detail below:

  • Bipolar I disorder: This form is characterized by manic episodes lasting at least seven days or by symptoms of mania that are so debilitating the individual needs urgent medical assistance. Episodes of depression are also typical and tend to last for a minimum of two weeks. 
  • Bipolar II disorder: This type of bipolar disorder occurs when there’s a pattern of depression and hypomania. Hypomania is a milder form of mania, meaning that the individual never reaches full-blown manic episodes.
  • Cyclothymic disorder: Cyclothymic disorder, also known as cyclothymia, is a type of bipolar disorder in which an individual experiences emotional highs and lows that aren’t as drastic as what’s typical with bipolar disorder. These mood swings happen frequently and vary between depression and hypomania.

While some types of bipolar disorder may be more severe than others, daily functioning and overall quality of life can still be affected by any of them.

Do I Need A Bipolar Disorder Test?

A bipolar disorder test can be useful for identifying whether you’re experiencing the common symptoms of bipolar disorder and figuring out what to do next. You may want to take one of these tests if you’re having symptoms that are interfering with your everyday life and overall functioning. Note that there are numerous types of mental health disorders, many of which have overlapping symptoms. Thus, it’s critical not to jump to conclusions, especially when it comes to your mental health.

Still, bipolar disorder tests can be a solid starting point when you’re assessing whether you have this condition, as long as you don’t take your results as fact. Remember that they do not replace the guidance or expertise of a professional. Depending on your results, it may be recommended that you visit a doctor or therapist to get more information. Only a professional can offer an accurate diagnosis of bipolar disorder, and it may turn out that you have another disorder and not bipolar disorder.

The Importance Of An Accurate Diagnosis

Getting the correct diagnosis can be crucial to your well-being, as a personalized treatment plan often follows a diagnosis. If you are misdiagnosed or try to self-diagnose, you may not get the support you need to recover effectively. Taking unnecessary medications or making harmful changes in your life could worsen your mental health instead of improving it. Therefore, it’s vital that you are always consulting with a professional when it comes to any aspect of your health.


Bipolar disorder tests can be helpful when you’d like to learn more about the symptoms of this condition and gain insight into your experiences. Getting adequate support and treatment for bipolar disorder can be essential, as it can worsen when left unaddressed. This can cause issues with your mood, daily functioning, energy levels, and ability to maintain relationships and problem-solve.

If you think you have bipolar disorder, it’s important to connect with a professional to ensure you’re getting the assistance you need. With the right tools and guidance, you can begin to create a happier, healthier life in which your mental well-being is regularly monitored and maintained.

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