Tips for Taking Photographs with DSLR Cameras

Jump-start Your Photography Journey

We live for memories. Whether it’s the memories we already cherish or the ones we are bound to make and haven’t quite gotten to yet, there’s no denying that these adventures and unforgettable experiences are the gems that make our lives priceless.

When it comes to materializing these memories, nothing does it better than a photograph. Photography has a way of cementing a fleeting moment into eternity. It can even make us see things from a perspective we’ve never seen before.

Because of how much photography influences our lives, we deem it necessary that you get to understand at least a fragment of it. In pursuit of that, we made this article to show you a few tips when taking a photograph with a DSLR camera and some mistakes you may want to avoid.

Tips for Taking Photographs with DSLR Cameras

Using a DSLR to capture photographs is already a guarantee you get top-tier quality images. To jump-start your photography journey, we’d like to impart a few tips that may help you when using a DSLR camera.

Autofocus Capabilities

This ability of your DSLR camera is simply mind-blowing. With autofocus capabilities, you can adjust the focus of the lens and draw attention to your subject. This allows you to change the focus from the center to the off-center. All you need to do is to press the shutter to its halfway point. Once the focus locks onto your subject, readjust your perspective and push the shutter button all the way through.

Master the ISO Setting

The ISO setting can do wonders to your shots once you’ve mastered it. While the auto ISO is an option, it doesn’t always guarantee that it gets the image you’re going for. For bright environments, a low ISO setting of around 100 works best. For low-light settings, an ISO of about 800 will do the job. Remember that some cameras can reach an ISO of up to 1,800, which is the perfect setting for outdoor night shots.

Change Perspective

We briefly mentioned earlier that photography could provide you with perspectives you never even thought of. Well, it’s important that you do. More often than not, we capture images the way we see them with our eyes. However, the art of photography is all about showing your subject in a different light. Make sure that when you take photos, try capturing it from the ground, the sides, the back of it, and you can also use the environment to add flavor to your shots.

Rookie Mistakes to Avoid in DSLR Photography

As we said, we want to jump-start your photography journey, and that means you shouldn’t be taking any steps back. That being said, we’d like to live up to our promise and give you some of the most common rookie mistakes you need to avoid in DSLR photography.

Taking the Attention Away from the Subject

Sometimes, without intending to do so, rookie photographers take the attention away from the subject or the focus of the shot. This is because something gets into the frame that otherwise ruins the overall mood of the photo. Make sure you check the frame for these things when you take an image.

Not Backing Up

There are times when you might feel quite confident with your DSLR camera, and you’d just keep taking pictures, thinking that your camera’s SD card can handle all of them. However, keeping all of your precious photographs in a single storage device is risky. What happens if your SD card gets corrupted or you accidentally drop your camera in a pool of water? All of your hard work will be lost in an instant. Make sure that you also invest in the best cloud storage for photographs to guarantee that your files are safe online.

Cutting the Subject with the Edge of the Frame

Make sure you keep the subject of your shot the main point of attention. This ensures you get to capture every detail of the subject. It’s not uncommon to see rookie photographers exclude a part of the subject from the frame. Always be mindful of your subject when taking photographs.

Purchasing Expensive Equipment Without Honing Your Skills

Having an expensive camera does not guarantee you’d get great photographs. As we said, that’s just half of the deal. Before you purchase expensive equipment, make sure you’ve mastered the art of photography first. You can also try to include learning Photoshop in your skill set to maximize the outcome of your photographs.

Photography has a way of telling us what we don’t know or what we otherwise easily dismiss. When retelling a story through images, you can turn even the most mundane things into something extraordinary. It’s just a matter of learning the art of photography.

Article written by admin

By Profession, he is an SEO Expert. From heart, he is a Fitness Freak. He writes on Health and Fitness at MyBeautyGym. He also likes to write about latest trends on various Categories at TrendsBuzzer. Follow Trendsbuzzer on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.