The Benefits Of Networking For Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners

The Benefits Of Networking For Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners

It can seem like everyone and their dog is focused on networking these days, and with a ton of benefits that can be extremely supportive it is easy to see why. However, most people don’t know how to build a network in their field, and this includes the field of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNPs).

A network can be extremely beneficial for anyone in the medical field, and it is important for professionals to understand the best way to build one, as well as the best way to use and leverage the network to their benefit. This article will explore what nurses need to know to create the best PMHNP network possible!

How To Build A Network

PMHNPs who want to build a network filled with great likeminded people who are constantly presenting opportunities and support need to start with the people closest. PMHNPs are typically around other doctors and nurses all day, so the first step is to form a network with them. A PMHNP can follow them on LinkedIn, invite them to lunch and pick their brains, and talk about what they are looking for in a network. Building a tribe of likeminded people who want the same things from the network is the first step.

Additionally, PMHNPs can explore various networking events and opportunities around them. Many organizations for PMHNPs offer networking events internally or with other healthcare providers. So, professionals shouldn’t be afraid to talk to other people who are also working in a mental health setting and take advantage of any opportunities that arise.

PMHNPs might even go back as far as their schooling days to look for people who are focused on networking in the field. Reconnecting with old classmates can be a good start. For those nurses who are looking to break into the field, taking in-person classes isn’t the only chance to meet and network with likeminded individuals. An online MSN-PMHNP course is a great option too. The program from the University of Rockhurst brings students together in an online setting, providing flexibility and connection with individuals around the country. These students can begin networking before they even enter the field. Furthermore, the course will teach students how to network effectively and in a way that is beneficial to furthering their career.

A Beneficial Network With More Than Like-minded Individuals

There’s an old saying that ‘you are the average of the five people you are closest to’ and this applies to networking as well. If a PMHNP fills heir network with people at the same intellectual level, these contacts can be resourceful, but won’t help each other advance. It can be advantageous to create a network of nurses and doctors who are in higher fields and pay brackets.

While this arrangement may be uncomfortable at first, the PMHNP will quickly find that they learn better from those higher ups in the network. The PMHNP can observe the choices they are making, how they go about their days, and how they advance their positions. Additionally, PMHNPs shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions. In general, people love to talk about themselves, and many doctors and nurses will be happy to answer questions and provide guidance based on their experiences.

The Benefits Of A Network For PMHNPs

There are several benefits to having a network, including learning from the network and seeking new opportunities. A group of nurses looking out for one another and sharing information about job opportunities and other issues well in advance will ensure that every individual benefits. These benefits are enhanced when there are higher ups in the network, as they will be the first to know about promotion opportunities and new roles opening.

Networking Aids Mental Health 

Mental health issues affect everyone, including the professionals treating them. One of the biggest causes of mental health is feeling alone and isolated, but a network for both business and pleasure can be very supportive. For any professional dealing with a crisis or having a bad day, one phone call or email to the network can be extremely helpful.

Getting social can be difficult for some, but taking the time to create a network can be extremely helpful. When a bad day strikes a PMHNP, the network can provide the support to allow them to continue providing the best possible care for patients.

A Good Network Keeps Individuals Informed

Sometimes the PMHNP community can be hit with a crisis, the world of mental health treatment can evolve, or changes impact the profession of being a nurse practitioner. Individuals who work alone and are not trying to remain well informed can be blindsided by unexpected news. But with a network, they will have numerous people looking out for them and keeping them up to date on the news.

With this information sharing, individuals can formulate plans and move forward, rather than simply reacting to the issue at hand.

Networks Continue To Grow

Finally, PMHNPs should never stop growing their networks. There are always going to be likeminded nurses focused on building their networks and getting ahead in life, and they will benefit greatly by connecting. This means that, ultimately, everyone can benefit from joining a network of like-minded people – regardless of what their career is, and their usual circles. The more people that join a network, the more information is shared, and more opportunities will be available to all network members. So, why not start today!

Article written by admin

By Profession, he is an SEO Expert. From heart, he is a Fitness Freak. He writes on Health and Fitness at MyBeautyGym. He also likes to write about latest trends on various Categories at TrendsBuzzer. Follow Trendsbuzzer on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.