Considering the high cost of college tuition these days, any extra discounts or freebies that you can get are highly welcomed. One way to slash your college education fees and reduce your debt burden after you graduate is to score a scholarship. Here are some tips to win scholarships and create effective submissions.
#1. Apply For Local Scholarships
There are plenty of communities and organizations that offer local scholarships. The chances of you winning one of these scholarships is a lot higher because they are open to a smaller pool of students. You can find local scholarships by checking with your teachers, searching local media websites, checking community portals, or simply asking people who recently graduated.
#2. Apply For Scholarships That Offer Smaller Awards
You might be on the lookout for scholarships that offer the biggest amount of money, but these tend to be the most competitive. Scholarships that offer smaller awards typically have fewer applicants, so there are less competition and better chances of winning. Every bit of free money counts.
#3. Consider Scholarships That Require More Work to Apply to
A lot of students avoid certain scholarships that require a lot of work to apply for, such as essays, projects, and videos. As such, the pool of applicants is a lot smaller, which translates into higher chances for you to win. Scholarships with essays more than 1,000 words typically have less than 500 applicants, compared to 5,000 students who apply for easier scholarships.
#4. Apply For as Many Scholarships as Possible
The majority of scholarship winners say that applying for as many scholarships as possible can improve your odds of winning one. After you’ve decided which schools you are planning to apply to by checking out, set aside a few hours each month to search and apply for scholarships, and continue to apply for them for as long as you are in school.
#5. Avoid Using Quotes in Your Application Essay
The essay needs to be about you. The best essays are those that are unique and stand out from the rest, so be original with your own words and don’t bother with quotes.
#6. Submit Your Scholarship Application Early
Do not wait until the due date to submit your scholarship application in case there happens to be a problem, such as with the website, internet connection, or even your computer. There are plenty of things you can do to increase your odds of winning a scholarship. All it takes is a little time and dedication, and you could land yourself a scholarship that can ease your financial burden after you graduate.