Educational institutes are places our kids need to visit on a regular basis. Apart from home, school is one place parents picture as being safe and secure from all angles. That is the reason why it is imperative for the authorities at the school to ensure proper electrical safety, especially when younger kids are in question.
By opting for professional test and tagging services Melbourne, not only will the kids stay away from danger but the teachers will also become stress-free.
Here is a list of the top 7 ways how all students can play around indoor as well as outdoor without the fear of electrical hazards.
Opt for Outlet Protector Safety Caps
Curiosity defines children, especially toddlers! When it comes to trying out new things, kids never hesitate. That is the reason why it is best that we as adults ensure their safety from all angles.
Kids usually study in school but sometime during the recess or when free, preschoolers can become naughty and opt for poking the electrical outlets! It is recorded that kids between ‘1-4’ years of age love poking their fingers in open electrical outlets. Hence, it is best to cover all open outlets with protector safety caps. These safety caps are readily available in the market as well as online. That too, in different shapes, designs, and colors!
Avoid Overcrowding Extension Cords
Overcrowding a single extension cord is not only dangerous for all the plugged in electrical appliances and devices but it is also unsafe for the little wanderers roaming around in the same room. A lot of wires can become a tangling hazard for kids whereas sometimes the extension cord conductor can break or become damaged, becoming prone to electrical fires and shocks.
Never Yank a Plug from the Outlet in front of Kids
Kids learn what they see and if you pull a plug with force out of the wall outlet just because it is stuck, kids will surely try to copy you in the future. Instead, either leave the plug inside the outlet and handle the problem later or simply try to take the plug out gently.
Let a professional Electrician visit the class rooms
Electrical safety codes need to be ensured when wiring, repairing or fixing electrical equipment. A professional electrician can take a look at all the electrical devices, appliances and provide you with optimum test and tagging services for electrical safety. Moreover, the electrician can point out all the electrical faults there are which your eyes might have been missing!
Tuck all Wires and Cords
Random wires and cords hanging from the walls as well as laying down on the floor can become a problem for children. Not only can the kids get tangled in them but chances are that they might slip, trip, fall or get electrocuted.
The best way to deal with this issue is by tucking all wires properly in the corners of the room. If you need a cord in the middle of the classroom, make sure it is tucked below the carpet/rug.
Food Area and Electrical Devices
Water is electricity’s enemy. Always make sure that the students do not drink liquids near electrical devices and equipment. If for some reason something spills on an appliance, get help from a renowned company which provides test and tagging services Melbourne so that they check and ensures the equipment’s well being.
Outdoor Electrical Hazards
- We usually hang wired lights on trees and hedges. Do not let the kids go near such places so that they can stay far away from electrical danger.
- Outdoor activities are fun for the kids and flying kites is one of them. If you happen to fly kites at your school, make sure the electrical power lines are not nearby.
- Swimming is another outdoor activity children love. Avoid taking the kids for a swim in a stormy weather.
- Flying model airplanes and spaceships are thrilling but make sure you supervise each remote controlled toy so that the child who is playing with it stays safe from electrical hazards.
- Train all the students with basic electrical knowledge. Provide them with easy solutions to problems such as calling out for help or calling the emergency numbers. Also, teach them to address their problems to an adult right away in case of an emergency.
Thanks for reading. Hope you liked this article.