People are divided on cannabidiol (CBD) use because of misconceptions about the product and its origins. Some people think it can do more harm than good in the body, owing to the notoriety held by marijuana, its close relative. On the other hand, connoisseurs swear by the plant’s efficacy in easing a variety of health-related issues such as anxiety, chronic pain, and sleep problems, among other issues.
Debunking CBD
Although CBD products have no approved therapeutic claims yet, they’ve established a huge following few years since their release in the market. As of 2020, the market is estimated at USD$2.8 billion and is expected to grow at 21% annually until 2028.
This article will discuss the most common misconceptions about CBD products that’ll surely surprise both users and critics.
CBD Myth #1: They Can Make You High
This is one of the most widely held misconceptions about cannabidiol. A lot of people are asking if CBD is addictive and fear they might become dependent once they start using it.
The truth is CBD products don’t contain psychoactive ingredients even if it’s derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. Both marijuana and hemp belong to the same family but the latter plant from which CBD products are sourced doesn’t contain mind-altering compounds.
Marijuana or weed is known to generate the feeling of getting high because of the substance known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The United States has set the limit of 0.3% THC content in all CBD products to keep its purity.
CBD Myth #2: They’re Only Used For Pain
A survey conducted by the Brightfield Group on CBD use indicated consumers take it to relieve anxiety, insomnia, joint pain, inflammation, and depression.
Studies have shown CBD may help ease various health conditions. According to research, CBD works by interacting with your body’s endocannabinoid system, which is predominantly tasked with transmitting brain messages responsible for feeling pain and regulating the immune system.
Besides pain management, cannabidiol is said to show promising results in preventing and reducing inflammation, treating epileptic seizures, regulating mood, and preventing skin problems. These are the reasons why CBD is believed to be effective in easing anxiety.
CBD Myth #3: They Can Cure Any Health Problem
CBD manufacturers can’t issue any health claims since there are pending large-scale and long-term studies. These products, therefore, shouldn’t be considered as a substitute for medicines to get rid of your ailment.
Remember, chronic diseases aren’t only caused by persistent inflammation. They’re also a product of unhealthy lifestyles, genes, and other factors. CBD can only do so much in reversing the effects of these factors.
CBD Myth #4: They’re No Different From Marijuana
As mentioned, cannabidiol and THC compounds are present in Cannabis sativa plants, most notably hemp and marijuana. CBD products, however, have undergone a process to get rid of THC, which contains psychoactive compounds found abundantly in marijuana. Some CBD products may have minimal traces of THC, though, which don’t exceed 0.3% as set forth by the law.
To clarify and to understand what these terms mean, it helps to learn more about the differences between THC and CBD.
CBD Myth #5: Marijuana Is Illegal In My State, So I Can’t Use CBD Products
Generally speaking, hemp can be grown in most parts of the world. In the US, former President Donald Trump signed the Farm Bill in 2018, which included a clause on the legalization of hemp on the federal levels. As such, CBD sale and purchase, as long as for medicinal use, has been legalized.
Federal governments, however, are free to create their own rules regarding CBD use. For instance, CBD use is still illegal in Alabama, Idaho, Kansas, North Carolina, Nebraska, Tennessee, and Wyoming.
CBD Myth #6: They Don’t Have Side Effects
Being sourced from plants, CBD is generally safe when taken in moderation, and you can’t suffer from overdosage in normal circumstances. However, healthcare practitioners still caution a user from taking the recommended doses to be completely safe.
Your dosage will depend on the severity of your condition and weight. The general recommendation is to take CBD gradually. This can be divided into three doses, representing each meal. If you take more than the ideal dose, you may experience dry mouth, reduced appetite, lethargy, and drowsiness. CBD can likewise counteract some prescription medications including blood thinners.
CBD Myth#7: CBD Shows Up On A Drug Test
One of the reasons for reservations on CBD utilization is its negative impact on the body, especially one associated with marijuana use. Many fear they’ll show up positive for drug use. If you’re looking to land a job or are required to undergo drug testing, you’d be happy to know CBD won’t interfere with the procedure.
Drug tests look for THC and not CBD, so the latter won’t impact the results. Just make sure the product you’re consuming doesn’t contain trace amounts of THC as it may impact the outcome.
There are different types of CBD products in the market. Here are some of the specifications:
- Full-spectrum CBD oils contain all of the cannabinoids in the hemp plant, including THC.
- Broad-spectrum CBD has all cannabinoids minus the THC.
- CBD isolates are the purest form of CBD and these don’t contain other types of cannabinoids found in the hemp plant.
Experts suggest CBD users who need to pass drug tests regularly take a broad spectrum or CBD isolate product. Take note, when used regularly, the former may result in the accumulation of THC traces in the body, which may or may not be enough to generate a positive drug test result.
The Wrap Up
Before taking your first CBD product, have yourself checked up and discuss your condition with a medical professional first. Doing so can help you maintain your health and overall well-being. Taking this potentially effective and natural health supplement is generally safe, but it helps to err on the side of prudence as with other health treatments.
Once your doctor agrees with the CBD supplementation, perform due diligence by discovering more about the products you plan on taking.