The digital marketing revolution makes it possible for even the smallest business to reach thousands – if not millions – of customers online. This opens up a lot of possibilities and many entrepreneurs have seized those opportunities to realize their dreams.
While the principles behind digital marketing are simple, crafting the right marketing strategy and executing it isn’t always as easy as it seems. One particular challenge many businesses face is connecting with a younger target audience, and we have just the tips to help you in this article.
Great Visuals
Generation Z audience, the post-millennials, aren’t particularly interested in reading, especially reading long articles or copies. They are used to everything being displayed in a more visual way, which is why they are naturally drawn to visual content more. This is the first thing to keep in mind when trying to connect with them.
Through the use of great visuals, capturing the attention of younger audience groups is easy. In fact, they are more sensitive to great visuals than great copies; at least on their first interaction with your digital marketing campaign. It is the stopping power of great visuals and striking images that you need to utilize to introduce your brand and your business to the younger customers.
Highlight Real People
Forget about a corporate-like message or using celebrities to impress the audience. The post-millennials love to “keep it real” and only engage with marketing messages that are truthful at some level.
Instead of using celebrities, for instance, you have a higher chance of engaging the audience through real teens that are now influencers on different platforms. You have to be extremely careful when selecting the influencers that you want to work with, but get it right, and the rewards are well worth the extra trouble.
The same can be said for the message itself. When doing native ads, displaying a balanced message about the product engages the audience on a more personal level. Saying only the good things about your business, on the other hand, will get your message ignored.
Human Touch
Gen Z’s ability to connect better with real people and truthful messages also signals another thing about the audience group: they react best to human touches. This is a great time to abandon your brand-first approach and start adding human touches to your campaigns.
Instead of your products, for example, talk about the people that help make those products possible. Instead of promotional content all the time, use funny memes and engage the audience more. Rather than bombarding the audience with discounts and special offers, join a cause and support a good foundation.
You are making your business and your brand more personal; more human-like. Connecting with the audience is just a matter of time once they see you – your online presence – as someone (something) they can relate to and have similarities with. The rest is easy from there.
Conventional marketing strategies and traditional approaches don’t work with the post-millennials because they think differently. Use the tips in this article to help you shape a better campaign and connect with the younger audience.