What Causes Morning Fatigue, and How Do You Treat It

What Causes Morning Fatigue, and How Do You Treat It?

Getting adequate, quality sleep every night helps tremendously in staying healthy and mentally sharp and deal with day-to-day challenges. Unfortunately, many things can disrupt your sleep at night, leading to you waking up in the morning feeling tired and cranky.

If you have trouble sleeping at night, you’re bound to get up on the wrong side of the bed when the sun shines. A lot of people wake up this way.

Sure, it’s normal to wake up with morning fatigue once or twice, but if this happens too often, it can seriously hamper your ability to function normally during the day. You may find yourself losing focus and making more mistakes at work or in school. The consequences can also be fatal, like falling asleep on the wheel while driving.

To treat morning fatigue, it’s vital to know what’s disrupting your rest and sleep at night. Here are some of the common causes of poor-quality sleep leading to morning fatigue.

An Erratic Sleeping Schedule

Do you sleep at the same time every night? If not, that may be the reason you’re waking up tired in the morning. Having an erratic sleeping schedule disrupts your body’s circadian rhythm, resulting in poor-quality sleep.

A lot of working people and students sleep at roughly the same time every night during workdays or school days and stay up and wake up late when there’s no work or school. Your body may find it hard to adjust to constantly changing sleep patterns, resulting in you staying up longer and sleeping less.

The Fix

Set a consistent sleeping schedule, and stick to it whether it’s a workday or school day. You can stay up to one hour after bedtime or wake one hour after your usual time at most without disrupting your body’s circadian rhythm.

Adults should get seven to nine hours of sleep a day. Yes, you can “make up for lost sleep” during your rest days, but that won’t erase the negative health effects of getting less than the necessary amount of sleep every night.

Consuming Food or Beverages with Stimulants near Bedtime

Coffee, soda, juices, sweets, and nicotine all contain stimulants that will keep you awake at night, especially if you consume them shortly before bedtime.

The Fix

Avoid eating or drinking food or beverages with stimulants a couple of hours before bedtime. In addition to not consumer caffeine- and sugar-laden food and drink, avoid going to bed when you’re hungry or overstuffed. The discomfort will leave you unable to sleep. Don’t skip your meals, and eat an early dinner to give your body enough time to digest your meal.

Wrong Sleeping Position

Poor sleeping position can also lead to morning fatigue. People who sleep on their stomachs may experience numbness, tingling, or nerve pain. Sleeping on your back may lead to low back pain and snoring while sleeping with your arms over your head may also lead to snoring and sleeping problems.

If you like to sleep on your side all night, then you may have woken up too often with sore muscles, especially on the arm or leg you lie on.

The Fix

Use pillows or cushions to help support your neck, back, and other body parts when you sleep. Maintaining good sleeping posture will also help you avoid that crick in the neck and painful muscle knots.

You may also want to look into getting a supportive mattress and beddings that will help you sleep better at night.

Disruptive Bedfellow

What Causes Morning Fatigue, Treating morning fatigue,

A bedfellow who snores loudly or is a restless sleep may be the reason you’re not getting quality rest at night and waking up with morning fatigue. If it is them, it’s best to talk with your partner about getting treatment for their snoring problem or for their sleeping problem. In the meantime, consider wearing earplugs to bed.

If you’re a light sleeper, and your partner is a restless sleeping, place a large pillow between you two to keep them from moving into your space. If that doesn’t work, consider sleeping on separate beds.

The Fix

Help your partner get treatment for their snoring or sleeping problems. Wear earplugs to sleep, or talk to your partner about sleeping on separate beds.

Poor Bedroom Environment 

A bedroom environment that’s conducive for resting is one of the most important requisites to get quality sleep at night. If your bedroom is too noisy, too bright, too cold, or too warm at night, you’ll likely find it challenging to sleep on time at night, or you may find yourself waking up several times in the night. Then you’ll wake up tired in the morning.

The Fix

To get uninterrupted sleep at night in your bedroom, make sure your room is dark, quiet, and comfortable. Take care that the room temperature never gets too cold or too hot. Most importantly, don’t hesitate to splurge on extracozy mattresses and beddings that will help you sleep better.

A Sleeping Disorder

Sleep apnea, insomnia, and certain sleep disorders may also be the reason you’re waking up with morning fatigue. Patients who have sleep apnea cannot breathe normally when they sleep, so they may wake up often at night and don’t get restful sleep.

The Fix

If you think you have sleep apnea or any other sleeping disorder, consult your doctor right way to get your condition properly diagnosed and get treated for it. Those who have sleep apnea may prescribe to use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device, take medication, or get surgery, depending on the severity of the condition.

As always, consult your doctor to make before trying any form of sleep-disorder treatment. If you need a CPAP machine, ask your doctor to recommend a high-quality machine. Do not take any sleeping medication without your doctor’s prescription. Taking random sleeping drugs may help you sleep, but you may never wake up after.

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By Profession, he is an SEO Expert. From heart, he is a Fitness Freak. He writes on Health and Fitness at MyBeautyGym. He also likes to write about latest trends on various Categories at TrendsBuzzer. Follow Trendsbuzzer on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.