As working mothers, our handbags are often overflowing with unused, disused and misplaced bits of junk. We often dream of having a handbag that’s elegantly curated, with useful items ready to be plucked out at a moment’s notice. In order to achieve such a fantasy, it’s a good idea to start from scratch: tip out your handbag and take a look at what’s inside. Then, one by one, consider some items you will use regularly.
Fun-sized perfume
For women who love to smell good when walking into a meeting or get together, a fun-sized perfume bottle is a must-have. While we may have the odd friend who walks around with a 500ml bottle of Eau de Toilette in their bag, this isn’t always a practical option. Smaller bottles can fit easily into a handbag and be whipped out a moment’s notice.
Notepad and pen
The notepad function on our phones is incredibly useful in times of need, but a notepad and pen is still an incredibly trustworthy sidekick, particularly if our phone is on its last-legs of battery life.
Nude-tinted balm
A tinted lip balm is the best way to bring a bit of life to your face after a long day, without having to fully make yourself up. Sometimes all that’s needed for a bit of a refresh is a quick wash of pink or a nude-tint over our lips.
Anyone who has had a toddler with low blood sugar in the back of their car will know the pain that a lack of snacks can bring. Having a cereal bar or fruit in your armory can be an absolute life-saver when it comes to little kids. A quick nibble that can be thrown into the back of the car on the way back from school can prevent any hangry tantrums that may erupt before sports practice.
Vape cartridge
Popping outside for a quick vape break is often a must for moms who need five minutes to themselves, or just want an excuse for some fresh air. If you want a small e-cigarette or vape kit that fits perfectly in your handbag, consider a starter kit. These have everything you need, and they can be found here: You could find that it is just what you need to help you get through the day.
Band aids
These are handy for both you and your kids. You never know when a new pair of shoes will wreak havoc, or your child might fall over playing games. Keeping a few band aids tucked in your bag will help remedy any last-minute disasters that strike. You might want to keep a healthy variety of fun ones and normal, nude-colored plasters.
Your handbag should be an army tool-kit that serves both you and your children. You should have a few items that prevent tears and tantrums, but also some items that keep you looking and feeling good. This means that you can keep in control as a mom, but with relatively few hairs out of place.