7 Fun, Sober Things To Do After Completing Alcohol Treatment

7 Fun, Sober Things To Do After Completing Alcohol Treatment

One of the best things about completing an alcohol rehab treatment program is gaining the opportunity for a fresh start and a renewed outlook on life. Now that you’re sober, you’ll learn that there are many more fun things you can do that you probably couldn’t enjoy while struggling with alcohol addiction, such as traveling to new places and staying physically active. After going to alcohol rehab, you deserve to treat yourself to new experiences as a reward for deciding to become and stay sober.

Have you recently completed an alcohol detox or alcohol rehab program? Here are 7 fun, sober activities that will allow you to embrace your life as an alcohol-free individual.

1. Spend More Time Outdoors

New research suggests that spending time outdoors in natural environments and greenery can effectively reduce symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety. Exposing yourself to fresh air, sunshine, and nature can help clear your head, lift your mood, and make you feel good. Start spending more time outdoors, whether it involves sitting in your backyard, strolling around local parks, or going for a run. The more time you spend outdoors, the more effectively you can ward off symptoms of mental health disorders, which are closely associated with alcohol addiction.

2. Stay Physically Active

Exercising regularly offers a countless number of benefits for those in recovery from alcohol addiction. Physical activity is shown to boost your mood and relieve the stress and symptoms of mental health disorders. Exercise is also great for your health and helps regulate hormones, increase blood flow, and reduce your risk for serious conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

Though you may already have completed an alcohol detox program, exercising regularly will further improve your health and immune system after having been dependent on alcohol. Join a gym, dance class, or local sports club like flag football to stay active and meet new friends who also pride themselves on staying active and healthy. Or, go for walks in your neighborhood if you consider yourself a beginner in the physical fitness category. Many alcohol rehab centers offer luxury amenities like yoga, Tai Chi, swimming pool, and fitness facilities to give you a jumpstart on physical activity before you finish your treatment program.

3. Learn Something New

Have you ever wanted to learn a foreign language, take a cooking class, or master a certain type of dancing? Now’s the time to act on these desires, since you’ll need new activities and hobbies to fill the time you may have spent drinking before you went to alcohol rehab. Consider signing up for an online course, or watch a series of YouTube videos to learn something new for free. Or, look for classes in your community if you’re interested in meeting new people who share similar interests.

4. Travel Somewhere New

Another top benefit of overcoming alcohol addiction is having a higher amount of expendable cash since you’re no longer spending exorbitant amounts on alcohol. Put money aside that you would normally have spent on alcohol before going to rehab, and use it to travel somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. If you don’t feel as though traveling far from home is within your budget at the moment, plan a short road trip to visit a nearby city or local tourist attraction.

5. Volunteer Your Time

Volunteering your time to a place like an animal shelter, non-profit organization, or homeless shelter can give you a new sense of purpose and make you feel good about yourself. Giving your time to such organizations can also give you a new perspective and make you feel more grateful for what you have, and what you’ve accomplished thus far. When thinking about how to volunteer your time, consider which environments would be most fulfilling to you. For example, if you love spending time outdoors, consider volunteering to pick up trash at local parks, or doing yard work for places in your community that need extra help.

6. Spend the Day with Friends

After you leave alcohol rehab, get in touch with close friends and loved ones who support your decision to stay sober, and who will commit to staying sober while spending time with you. Then, plan an entire day during which you can do a series of fun activities, such as grabbing a coffee at your local cafe, going shopping at your favorite stores, playing mini-golf, watching a movie, or eating at your favorite restaurant. If you’re more of a homebody, consider having a potluck and playing board games, watching sports, or having an all-day movie marathon. Spending the day with friends will likely result in lots of laughs, quality bonding time, and stronger friendships.

7. Throw a Sober Party

You may have decided to stay sober and stop drinking alcohol, but that doesn’t mean you can no longer throw parties. The Internet can provide you with endless ideas and possibilities when it comes to throwing a party without alcohol.

Nominate yourself as the host so you can make sure the party venue remains a sober environment, and that only those who support the no-alcohol rule are invited. Reach out to supportive family members, close friends, co-workers, and peers you may have met while in recovery at alcohol rehab. Use your best judgment, and only invite those whom you feel are safe to have over. Throw a costume- or food-themed party, or host a barbecue or potluck. As long as you’re keeping company with good friends, everyone will most likely have a great time.

How Alcohol Rehab Prepares You for Life After Addiction

The best alcohol rehab centers will teach you how to engage in social environments while continuing to abstain from alcohol. At alcohol rehab, you’ll learn how to identify and manage triggers, and how to adopt healthier behaviors and mindsets that support sobriety and a more fulfilling lifestyle. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), substance abuse education, and relapse prevention training are some therapies you may receive at alcohol rehab that prepare you for life after alcohol addiction.

Treatment at alcohol rehab always begins with alcohol detox, which helps you safely withdraw from alcohol in an inpatient or residential setting while being closely monitored by medical staff. Many alcohol detox programs involve the use of medications that relieve your symptoms, and that reduces the risk for complications. You’ll also be provided with healthy meals and nutrition education so you can continue to work toward strengthening your immune system and boost your health following detox.

The idea of re-entering society after recovering from alcohol addiction can be scary for some, which is completely understandable. If you feel scared, nervous, or anxious about successfully navigating everyday life while resisting alcohol, please understand that alcohol rehab centers will supply you with all the education and skills you need to handle stress, manage triggers, and achieve long-term sobriety.

Recovering from Alcohol Addiction at Summer House

Summer House Detox Center offers alcohol detox in Florida to help people from all walks of life experience a safe, comfortable recovery from alcohol dependence and addiction. Alcohol detox at Summer House takes place in a luxury setting where patients can relax and prepare for life after addiction. Those who complete our alcohol detox program can be referred to an alcohol rehab center where they can receive individual and group counseling and behavioral therapy for alcohol addiction.

Contact drug and alcohol rehab center near you now to learn more about alcohol treatment programs.

Author Bio: Jacky Montecillo – A coffee lover, writer, reader and typical travel aficionado. She loves finding the best eats (and drinks), and very enthusiastic and passionate about life and people’s unique stories.

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