Causing harm to or taking advantage of a senior citizen seems inconceivable, yet it happens. As a matter of fact, it occurs more than you might think. As it turns out, only 20% of elder neglect and abuse cases are ever reported. If you have a family member in a nursing home facility, you likely assume they are receiving the best care possible. It is horrific to imagine that in a healthcare center, abuse is taking place.
The best thing to do to safeguard a family member includes looking for anything that is out of the ordinary. The issue is that abuse can take multiple forms. In addition, nursing home team members occasionally manipulate a patient in order for them to keep quiet. If you think abuse is taking place, you must immediately speak to a nursing home abuse lawyer. Here are seven signs which ought to be a red flag.
Signs of Physical Abuse
If you see any indications of injury, you should ask your family member about it. You also should request an explanation from the nursing care facility. If you think something is being concealed from you, it is up to you to act immediately.
Physical abuse can take multiple forms and might result from restraining a patient or other unneeded force. Irrespective of the reason, it isn’t excusable.
Some common physical indications of abuse involve:
- Signs of restraint on wrists and ankles
- Burns
- Broken bones
- Scrapes or bruises
Many patients in nursing homes are mentally disabled and do not have the ability to communicate effectively. Those individuals are at higher risk. If you see any of the aforementioned indications and cannot get a direct answer, it is time to get in touch with a nursing home neglect attorney in Long Island NY.
Signs of Sexual Abuse
It is difficult to imagine sex abuse taking place in a nursing home, yet it does. In those situations, sexual acts are forced upon the senior patient against their will.
Sex abuse is more prevalent in mentally disabled patients who can’t fight back or verbalize the abuse.
Some warning signs that your family member is a sexual abuse victim involve bruises or injuries in private areas or an abrupt issue while trying to walk or stand. One other indication is the contraction of an STD (sexually transmitted disease).
If the patient abruptly begins to act tense or frightened around a certain member of the staff, sexual abuse might’ve taken place.
Signs of Psychological Abuse
Psychological abuse, unfortunately, is more difficult to detect and also is among the most common forms of nursing home abuse. It may take the form of intimidation, verbal threats, harassment, intentional humiliation, or scaring the patient on purpose.
The warnings indications of psychological abuse are behavioral and involve:
- Relationship problems with other residents
- Fear of a staff member
- Isolation
- Anxiety
- Depression
If one or more of those behavioral changes suddenly appear without reason, abuse might be taking place. If your family member gives any sign of this, it is time to employ a nursing home neglect attorney in Long Island NY.
Symptoms of Neglect
Once neglect takes place inside a nursing home, it may result in severe injury or death. The difficulty with instances of neglect is that it may be challenging to identify a guilty staff member.
Neglect sometimes can be unintentional or perpetrated by numerous staff members. It might be the result of an understaffed nursing care center or lack of correctly trained staff members. But that does not mean it is excusable.
The impact of neglect may be devastating to a patient. Some major indications that neglect has taken place involve:
- Abrupt weight loss
- Medical issues left unchecked
- Problems with personal hygiene
- Bedsores
- Dehydration
Your family member might not be receiving the right care they need, if you encounter any of the symptoms discussed above. If left untreated, those problems might cause severe health threats.
Sudden Limited Visitation
It is your right to visit your family member in the care of nursing homes. However, what if all of a sudden, the center says you’re not allowed to visit them? This ought to throw up a red flag.
If you are denied permission to visit your family member, you should request an explanation. If they inform you that it is because they are ill or asleep, you should press the issue. If any form of injury or illness has taken place, the nursing home facility must offer documentation.
A nursing home sometimes does not want visitors to witness the conditions inside the center. There might be a health code violation they’re concealing.
Other times, understaffed facilities have not taken the right care of the residents and need to play “catch up” before guests are allowed in. Whatever the reason, if you are denied permission to visit your family member, it is time to consult a Long Island NY nursing home neglect attorney.
Signs of Financial Abuse
A nursing home resident has very measurable and regular financial costs. Any type of unexpected and large withdrawal from a checking account should cause concern.
This kind of abuse is more difficult to detect; therefore, you might want to speak with your family member about monitoring their bank accounts for them. If theft is being done, it is likely a patient is not aware of it. Or they’re being manipulated by a member of the staff.
Remember that some centers withdraw funds for rent and additional items. However, if unexpected withdrawals are taking place, it is time to take immediate action.
Watch Out for Behavioral Changes
Many seniors do not have the ability to communicate that something out of the ordinary is taking place. But you know your family member better than the nursing facility does. If you see any abrupt changes in behavior, it might be in response to improper conditions, neglect, or abuse.
Keep a close eye out for these situations:
- Abrupt mood swings
- Acting scared
- Sleep problems
- Abrupt withdrawal from activities
- Constant agitation
It is vital that you understand that those symptoms might be the result of additional illnesses. If you witness sudden changes in behavior, try and talk with your family member and figure out the cause. It might be time for a Long Island NY nursing home neglect attorney to get involved.
Need A Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer?
The aforementioned indications might be the result of abuse or neglect and should be taken seriously. A personal injury lawyer will have the ability to assess your case and steer you through the best path. If you think your family member is the victim of abuse or neglect, consult counsel right away.