Mental Health Support for Cancer Patients

Mental Health Support for Cancer: 3 Reasons to Speak With a Therapist Following Diagnosis

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, you’ve likely been given a lot of literature to read. From understanding the implications of your diagnosis to different treatment strategies and their effectiveness in battling the disease and its side effects, there can be a lot to take in.

One thing that may get lost in this initial burst of information is the importance of handling the mental effects of cancer in an appropriate way. While a full-body scan for cancer will identify where the disease has taken root in your body, even a system as powerful as EZRA’s AI-powered MRI can’t detect the emotional and mental toll that cancer can cause. As such, it’s vital to find a trusted individual to speak with about your diagnosis.

It’s crucial to manage stress.

Stress can have a negative impact on your health in everyday life, and this is especially true if you have cancer. Undergoing treatment for mesothelioma cancer, particularly chemotherapy, can increase your stress exponentially. This extra stress, when combined with the stress of going about daily life and trying to find a way to continue your line of work to keep your health insurance, can really weigh on you.

A therapist can help you address these extra stressors. This approach can be pivotal to determining what kinds of environments or events are triggering to you and increasing your stress. As a result, a therapist can help you come up with strategies to decrease your stress and de-escalate situations that contribute to negative feelings.

A therapist can help you find normalcy.

One of the biggest threats to your mental health after a cancer diagnosis is trying to retain a sense of normalcy and routine. Of course, doctor’s appointments and follow-ups can create a new kind of routine, but it’s important to find ways to maintain your old hobbies and friendships, too. A therapist can help you identify the best way to prioritize these elements of your life as you work to create a new normal for yourself and your family. Having that outside perspective can be invaluable.

Therapists can help during remission, too.

If you were recently diagnosed with cancer and are now in remission, therapy may still be a useful part of your ongoing treatment. In addition to helping you manage stress and maintain your lifestyle, a therapist can also help you track any instances when feelings of guilt, fear, or even grief start to crop up again.

Facing cancer can leave you emotionally raw, and having a third-party with knowledge of your history can be crucial if you want to make sure that you’re monitoring your emotions appropriately. Whether you’re blaming yourself for behaviors in the past that increased your chance of cancer or are afraid of your cancer coming back, a therapist can help you talk through these thoughts and scenarios and provide you with perspective.

If you want to take advantage of any of the above benefits, you’ll want to find a therapy group that you can trust. There are many therapists in New York and across the country that you can reach out to if you need to talk to someone about your recent cancer diagnosis or ongoing treatment. Having a licensed professional with a history of success and a range of strategies to implement can really make a difference when it comes to facing your cancer. The Therapy Group of NYC is a strong example of this since they use data-driven strategies that allow you to get the best evidence-based treatment for your mental health. Don’t neglect your mental health as you come up with a treatment regimen to battle cancer, and you’ll be more likely to find success.

Article written by admin

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