4 Unique Wedding Ideas for Quirky Couples

4 Unique Wedding Ideas for Quirky Couples

When we think of weddings, it’s often the typical solemn ceremony opened by the bride walking down the aisle in all white, followed by a reception with food, drinks, and various wedding games. The most variety you ever see at a wedding is usually the colour of the dresses and the décor since the format usually doesn’t change. However, for those fun couples who want to put an exciting twist on their big day, here are some ideas for you.

1. Wear a different coloured wedding dress

Not a fan of white? No problem! The whole concept that a wedding dress needs to be white stems from an outdated concept that white was hard to wash and having white dresses showed that you had a staff who could do your laundry for you. It was essentially a way to flaunt your wealth and status. Given that, you are absolutely allowed to wear whatever you want when you walk down that aisle.

2. Make the reception a carnival

Instead of having your guests sit around for hours during the reception, why not make it more fun and exciting by working with a fairground hire company to put up rides, games, and food stalls. Instead of traditional wedding games, you can play carnival games instead and have guests go home with prizes and memories of an unforgettable reception. If you’re doing this, ensure you inform your guests beforehand so they can wear more comfortable shoes and clothes.

3. Incorporate your own culture

If the bride or groom (or both) has roots in another culture, maybe they can incorporate those into their own wedding and create a hybrid of the Westernized wedding format and their own traditions. Japanese weddings, for example, are held at a Shinto temple and the bride and groom wear traditional Japanese formal wedding attire called shiromuku (bride) and a montsuki haori hakama (groom). This is a great way to introduce one party’s culture to their spouse’s friends and family and to make their heritage a significant part of their big day.

4. Skip the colour coordinating

Colour themes are popular among brides but can be a hassle for your guests if they have to purchase or rent dresses and accessories to match your wedding’s theme. While it makes for great photos, you can save your guests the headache and just do away with the required colours. After all, what matters during your wedding is having all your loved ones in attendance, regardless of what colour their outfit is. It could also lower your venue bills as some may charge extra to use certain coloured décor.

A couple’s wedding is arguably the biggest event of their lives, and most wedding planners say that in the process of brainstorming for the wedding, they often take the couple’s personalities into account. Given this, it’s only fitting that quirky couples get to have an equally quirky wedding. Don’t be restricted by traditions. There are no hard rules in a wedding, so go with whatever you feel like.

Article written by admin

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