How to travel with chronic pain

How to Enjoy a Vacation When You Suffer from Chronic Back Pain

According to statistics,back pain is something that is on the rise in America, with the majority of people now suffering from it at some point in their life. The statistics show that approximately 80% of Americans will suffer from some sort of back problem at one point or another. Unfortunately, for some of those sufferers, it’s not a temporary problem. Rather, it progresses into chronic back pain, which can impact their ability to lead a normal and happy lifestyle.

Chronic pain, whether in your back or elsewhere, is usually described as pain that lasts for more than three months straight. This sort of long-term pain is obviously something that can have a very negative affect on a person’s physical and mental well-being. So, what happens if you suffer from chronic back pain but you are determined not to let it stop you and you want to be able to go on and enjoy a vacation? Can it be done? Here are some tips that can make it more comfortable for you.

Make Sure You Eat Healthy Well-Balanced Meals

We all know that vacations are typically a time to indulge when it comes to food. Unfortunately, those rich calorie-heavy foods don’t usually help with your back pain. For those who have chronic back pain, extra weight can often worsen the pain. What this means is that you need to focus on eating a healthy well-balanced diet to maintain the proper weight, even when on your holidays.

Schedule a Visit to the Chiropractor Before You Leave and When You Return

You can also do a little planning on your end and prep your body by getting in to see a chiropractor before you head off on holidays. It may even require multiple visits if you are in particularly rough shape. Be sure to let the chiropractor know you are heading on vacation and ask if there are any stretches or exercises you can do to help your back stay as healthy as possible.

The Echiro Practor website can be a helpful source of information when it comes to discussing exercises and stretches that can help.

Think Ahead and Pack the Essentials

While it’s great to have a positive attitude and hope for the best as far as your pain level goes while on holidays, it’s also wise to be realistic. What this means is that you want to plan for the worst and pack the essentials that can help you deal with the pain. This can include a heating pad, pain rub, and any pain medications you take.

Wear Good Quality Shoes

If you plan on doing lots of sightseeing and touring, then you will also want to invest in a pair of good quality shoes that provide you with the proper support. Just make sure you purchase them at least a month before you leave so you have a chance to work them in and get used to them.

An Enjoyable Trip is Possible

Even with chronic back pain, it is still possible to go away for a vacation, relax, and enjoy yourself; it just takes a little preparation on your part.

Article written by admin

By Profession, he is an SEO Expert. From heart, he is a Fitness Freak. He writes on Health and Fitness at MyBeautyGym. He also likes to write about latest trends on various Categories at TrendsBuzzer. Follow Trendsbuzzer on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.