When you’re dating online, image is everything. Before you even get a face-to-face meeting, you have to pass the online first impression. And that can be difficult among a sea of similar profiles.
You may even be tempted to join the ranks of those who pull outlandish stunts just to get seen. And this is a good reminder that standing out doesn’t always mean making a good impression.
But there’s some good news. There are a few ways you can make your online dating profile stand out — in a good way!
Use creative copywriting
If you’re a skilled writer, you can use creative copywriting to inject some humor and personality into your profile. Just be sure that the words and tone reflect who you are. Just like with a photo, if there’s a mismatch here, it can be a major turnoff.
And you’ll also want to avoid getting too kitschy — unless that’s your actual vibe.
Avoid excessive selfies
Selfies are so common on dating profiles, and there’s nothing wrong with them — as long as you keep them to a minimum. This is some of the best online dating advice for men because too many selfies can make your profile stand out in the worst kind of way.
Too many selfies on your dating profile sends a couple of messages (and none of them are positive). First, it may tell potential suitors that you’re a little self-absorbed. It may also leave your profile viewers wondering what you might be hiding below shoulder level. And one thing is certain. If you only have selfies on your profile, your potential dates will assume you don’t have friends to take your picture.
Show variety
When you post a dating profile with just one image, it’s probably going to look like you’ve got something to hide. Viewers will assume you chose the best picture of you ever taken and are hiding the more realistic photos. When you choose pictures for your profile, look for variety. You’ll want to show yourself from a few different angles, making different faces and with varying backgrounds.
Avoid filters
In a world where doe eyes and bunny ears dominate social profiles, let your natural beauty shine through. Although many people love using filters for fun, there’s a time and a place. It’s not your dating profile. On your dating profile, you want people to know what you really look like. They should be able to use any one of your images to identify you in a crowded coffee shop. And if they can’t, the awkwardness will inevitably ensue.
Lead with 3 interesting facts
Don’t expect that everyone will read your entire profile. That’s just not realistic. So if you want to stand out, put the good stuff right upfront. Come up with three facts you want people to know about you and put them front and center. This could be information about your character or conversation starters, but these things must be true. Just like with your profile picture, you’re going to want to avoid over-promising and under-delivering.
And remember that it’s okay to keep them guessing a bit. Add some intrigue to your profile by posing questions that you can discuss during your date. At the very least, they’ll know you’ve prepared for any awkward silence.
Dating profiles can seem incredibly awkward, but if you want to get that first date, get comfortable with a little self-promotion.